The classes of member organisation within the Regional Health and Social Care Information Sharing Agreement are:

  1. General Practice organisations;
  2. Independent sector health care providers, including:
    1. Community pharmacies
    2. Community health service providers
    3. GP alliances and federations
    4. Hospices
    5. Mental health service providers
    6. Nursing home service providers
    7. Out-of-hours service providers
    8. Specialist health service providers
  3. Independent sector social care providers (adults and children);
    1. Adult social care providers
    2. Childrens social care providers
    3. Residential care service providers; and
  4. Local authorities;
  5. NHS Integrated Care Boards;
  6. NHS Trusts, including:
    1. Acute service providers
    2. Community service providers
    3. Emergency services
    4. Mental health providers
    5. Specialist service providers; and
  7. Voluntary sector providers (commissioned or coordinated by Local Authority and NHS organisations).

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